Uncle Henry's at it again... This time he's had a stroke at another shop, but booked in to get his head and intake sorted. Just what I...

Unless it's on tv... you can't fake passion! It's too obvious, the closer you look at something, the more you see. With an already...

Holden GTS Coupe LS7
Step one: Take a new LS7 that's been carefully stored since 08, remove and shorten the snout of the crankshaft along with a reluctor...

Nissan GQ Patrol 6.2ltr LS3 V8
I had heaps of fun building the engine for this one ! I get to build a lot of cool stuff... But this ones just that little bit more...

Their way... My way
I like things neat...Pointless having your newly assembled engine all balanced and blue printed then looking like its been finger...